
Donations and Income-Tax Receipts

We are grateful for any financial support our members can provide.

Did you know that the Swansea Historical Society is incorporated as a registered charity, authorized to issue receipts which can be applied to reduce donors’ income tax liabilities? Any donations, large or small, are gratefully accepted and can always be put to good use to further the Society’s objectives. Of course, donations must be received by December 31 in order for the receipts to be applied to the current taxation year.

How to donate to the Swansea Historical Society

You can now donate to us to help fund events such as Walk The Six West and other great historical events.

E-Transfers / Interac Payments

We are pleased to announce that the Swansea Historical Society can now accept payments electronically. E-transfers directed to will result in a direct deposit to the SHS bank account at Scotiabank. This e-transfer approach can be used to pay membership fees, purchase publications, make donations to the Society, etc. We invite you to give it a try.

If you are donating money by e-transfer, please use the comments area to note “donation”).

Canada Helps

You can also donate via a Secure link via

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CanadaHelps is a registered charity focused on supporting Canadian charities.
Charity Registration Number 896568417RR0001.
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